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1 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jan 15, 2014 1:07:08pm

Laos is playing the part of the Good Little Vassel State, complete with exploitation.

2 jvic  Wed, Jan 15, 2014 1:14:43pm

1. China will import 20,000 Chinese workers to build the system in Laos, and provide all the engineering expertise. Laos gets to pay for it.

And (when?) will China remove those workers from Laos? Wikipedia:

A division is a large military unit or formation, usually consisting of between 10,000 and 30,000 soldiers.

Just sayin’.

2. I would describe it as just plain stupid. The Lao party bosses have basically made Laos an indentured servant of China.

Some combination of bribes and intimidation—-an offer they could not refuse—-may have been involved.

3 joe90  Wed, Jan 15, 2014 10:04:01pm

How things should be done.

CITIC and its principal contractor, the Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC), severely underestimated the cost of construction in Australia. The budget soared from $US1.75 billion in June 2007 to $US4.3 billion at the end of December 2011.

“We don’t understand the actual conditions of building large mining projects in Australia. We tried to apply our lessons learnt in China locally and severely underestimated the difficulty of the project. As a result, we went on a detour,” Chang told the People’s Daily.

One of MCC’s cardinal sins was to misjudge Australia’s tough immigration control. Chinese contractors thought they could bring in battalions of cheap and skilled Chinese construction workers. Despite its intensive lobbying in Canberra, MCC could only bring in a small contingent of qualified workers.

In fact, CITIC senior executives even had to take turns to cook as they could not bring in a Chinese chef.December 2011.

“We don’t understand the actual conditions of building large mining projects in Australia. We tried to apply our lessons learnt in China locally and severely underestimated the difficulty of the project. As a result, we went on a detour,” Chang told the People’s Daily.

One of MCC’s cardinal sins was to misjudge Australia’s tough immigration control. Chinese contractors thought they could bring in battalions of cheap and skilled Chinese construction workers. Despite its intensive lobbying in Canberra, MCC could only bring in a small contingent of qualified workers.

In fact, CITIC senior executives even had to take turns to cook as they could not bring in a Chinese chef.
One of MCC’s cardinal sins was to misjudge Australia’s tough immigration control. Chinese contractors thought they could bring in battalions of cheap and skilled Chinese construction workers. Despite its intensive lobbying in Canberra, MCC could only bring in a small contingent of qualified workers.

In fact, CITIC senior executives even had to take turns to cook as they could not bring in a Chinese chef.December 2011.

“We don’t understand the actual conditions of building large mining projects in Australia. We tried to apply our lessons learnt in China locally and severely underestimated the difficulty of the project. As a result, we went on a detour,” Chang told the People’s Daily.

One of MCC’s cardinal sins was to misjudge Australia’s tough immigration control. Chinese contractors thought they could bring in battalions of cheap and skilled Chinese construction workers. Despite its intensive lobbying in Canberra, MCC could only bring in a small contingent of qualified workers.

In fact, CITIC senior executives even had to take turns to cook as they could not bring in a Chinese chef.

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